Saturday 13 August 2011

13th August 2011

We’re back at Kambuku Lodge in Lilongwe after a week at Kindle Orphan Care near Salima. We had a brilliant week and really enjoyed leading the Bible studies with the youth groups and learning more about the work that Kindle does. The youth workers, Petro and Solomon, were so inspiring in the energy and passion they had for the work they do. 

The mornings were spent preparing for the Bible studies in the afternoon, and once everyone had got over their initial nerves about talking to a group of “20 to 80” people, ranging from “little children to adults”, we enjoyed leading the Bible studies and teaching them more about God. The youth groups usually involved amazing singing followed by memory verses and then the Bible study, after which was a chance to train for the football tournament that was going on that Jez was able to play in (if only for half an hour because the team wanted to win). We learnt some of the songs that the children sang, including actions, and they have been in our heads ever since – they will have to be taught to the church when we get back! Geni was able to go to one of the Family Life Ministries led by Kindle, and was asked to do a short Bible study. She panicked and did the one that Rebecca had prepared for the youth groups!

Being back in Lilongwe brings mixed emotions – we’re all quite tired and the girls are pleased not to have to wear jitenges all the time, but at the same time it’s sad to think that we’re almost at the end of our trip. Some of us still miss the village that we stayed in the first week with the Mollers, especially Abi, although it’s nice to be able to walk into a room and turn the light on! We’re all looking forward to going to the Flood church tomorrow and “the best coffee in the world, ok, Malawi, ok, Lilongwe”.


Saturday 6 August 2011

as a team we have a saying for the day, and being a poet I set myself the challenge to put the first week's sayings in to a poem.... we thought those of you back home would want to have a little insight in to what some of us are saying about this place... i’m sorry if you don’t get all of the joke but for some you had to be there. 
even though only 8 days have passed
still 8 sayings have been rembered
and being here in africa- or “we’re in africa” as was said
can only be said to be true.
but trying to describe this place can only be said to be “wow” or “awesome”
and not “does this count as annoying?”
and resulting in sore cheeks
and now we know that “there is actually something going on in their minds”
and even though only one said “i am shocked... at how much i love it”
i believe it applies to all
We've been away from roads and tarmac
now for almost a week...
and being in the middle of nowhere
has meant that we have to come in, for “that might be hyenas”  
but over all two sayings have stood out....
“oh Jeremy,” again again and again
but the one that has been repeated the most....
is “get involved...”
and that is what we plan to do.
we are all having  a great time and learning a lot about ourselves  and the group and enjoying some R and R for the moment. 

Hannah Routledge

Friday 15 July 2011

It's the final countdown!

So, with under barely 2 weeks to go, the team in the UK are busy making their final preparations. The mosquito repellent has been bought, the hairstraighteners have (hopefully) been ditched and everyone is raring to go!

After a weekend of wet, cold and windy camping at the end of June, the Mission Malawi team this year have had a good chance to bond as a group and realise what it is they have let themselves in for....

The aim of this blog is to provide information on the activities that the team will be doing whilst in Malawi, but also a means for friends and family to stay in touch and get connected with the team. So please leave comments on posts and let us know any news from back home! We expect to be able to update the blog at least twice each week.

Our itinerary is now finalised and here is a sneak preview at what the team will be doing here in Malawi:

We first travel to the Mollers between the 29th July and 5th August. We will be spending a week in the Mollers village where they do their ministry. The village is one of the most remote in Malawi, deep into the depths of the mountains on the Mozambique side of the lake. It is a 2 hour drive from the tarmac road on rough roads, but absolutely stunning scenery! We climb steadily into the mountains and then weave our way through a beautiful and very large coffee estate called Ngapani. At the moment, a school is being built in the village and our team are responsible for funding the windows - we will be painting them in the village. We will also get to experience village life, which is very different from anything we're used to in the UK. There is a real sense of peace living in the village and the Mollers live as simply as they can. We eat by candlelight, early to bed and early to rise. The diet is simple but balanced and filling. This is likely to be a life changing experience for most of the team!

After 2 days of well earned relaxation at the lake, we move to Kindle staying there between the 7th and the 12th August. Kindle Orphan Care is an orphan care project which runs a variety of programmes to cover the needs of the community holistically. We are primarily going to serve and minister to the youth groups that Kindle have set up. Groups of young adults meet daily in the afternoon's, and our team is going to lead bible studies and bible stories with them. In addition, those with a craving to be kept busy, will be able to spend time at the community clinic, malnutrition clinic for under 5s, and schools all supported and managed by Kindle Care. In addition we will be spending a day at a farm just down the road from Kindle, learning about the biggest industry in Malawi - agriculture - and what it means to be a farmer in Malawi.

After journeying back to Lilongwe, we will be visiting Gandali Primary School for the day on the 13th July, a school we have linked to Wendover Junior School. We have been working closely with this school recently, funding its refurbishment. The classrooms are in the process of being re cemented and plastered, creating smooth walls and floors (As opposed to the cratered and pot holed floors that went before). We are buying some whitewash which the team will paint onto the walls of the finished classrooms. Some of the team will also do some craft 'handprinting' activities with the kids to help decorate and add colour to the classrooms. After a day spent in the market, doing a bit of shopping and doing debriefs, the team will be flying home to the UK on the 16th August.

Please pray for each team member, and for the trip as whole. I am already in Malawi to receive the team, but please pray for their journey and that all the bags would arrive with the right owners on the 28th July!

Love and blessings

Tuesday 11 January 2011

Mission Malawi 2011 Kick Off

A group of 7 young people from Wendover/London aged 16-17 along with 3 leaders are heading out to Malawi at the end of July to take part in a 3 week Short Term Mission trip. We are going through a charity called Africa Link, which supports some fab projects in Malawi aiming to alleviate poverty in Malawi.

Matthew 28:19
                   “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations”

Matthew talks about our calling to serve God in mission, and this Short Term Mission trip presents the perfect opportunity for young people in the UK to meet with God and develop their thoughts and ideas on global mission and our call to serve.

Here's a bit more information on the trip and Africa Link:

Africa Link is a poverty alleviation charity working in Malawi, Africa. In 2008, Africa Link sent a team of 6 girls (between 16 and 19 years old) along with 3 leaders on its first Short Term Mission trip: Mission Malawi. The team spent 3 weeks in different ministry areas, working as a team on various projects. The team were blessed with the enthusiasm to get fully involved in the work of orphanages, rural villages, schools and youth clubs as well as taking some well earned time off to relax and reflect on the trip.
Our aim is to make God’s love known where it isn’t, and to take people on a structured, organised adventure that exposes each individual to a different way of life, and challenges the way we think. Each trip lasts approximately 3 weeks, with some built in ‘down time’ to relax. This enables the team the chance to unwind, have fun and reflect on experiences.
This is the place to check out for updates and information on the trip for the team as well as for friends and family to stay in touch whilst we are in Malawi.
If you have any questions or comments, please drop us a line at or comment on the blog!
We want to preach the gospel and bring the glorious news of Jesus Christ. Africa Link does this through providing individuals with the opportunity to get involved in practical aid work, educational outreach and project building on a purpose-built Short Term Mission trip. It is a great opportunity for first timers and well travelled individuals alike. Africa Link looks after all elements of the trip including flights, finance, fundraising, and full pre-departure briefing and training.